26 Jan

Interns Journal | Arrival Week in Bali

Interns Journal | Arrival Week in Bali

If you’re an ocean and water sports lover like me, you’ll know Bali is generously blessed and is THE place to be to have a good time! From world-class scuba diving, surfing, free diving and kiting all the way to amazing fishing – Bali’s got the whole package, just sitting there, waiting to be experienced.

And wow, now I have finally arrived! I’m back in Bali, my little paradise island, my heaven on earth, my Eden! It still has to sink in… When I received the internship offer from Blue Season Bali a few months back, I knew it was an opportunity I could not turn down and now that I’m here, I know it was the right decision!

So far, so good – it’s been a great start. I had a few days off before the internship started, so the first thing to do was get my hands on some boards and head down south and go surf some of the beautiful perfect reefs Bali has to offer. The swell-god was generous and sent in some fun-sized waves, whilst the easterly trade winds kindly kept them crisp and clean for several days. Yes, I was welcomed to paradise with a perfect start and I was able to unleash all the trapped energy which had piled up inside me during the previous months’ exams and thesis writing.

As the beginning of my marketing internship was moving closer, it was time to move up to Sanur and into my new house. With a map in my hand, my scooter packed with 2 boards, the travel back-pack between my legs, and three bags on my back I made out to search my new home. After some time getting lost in rice paddies and falling victim to a classic Bali police road-stop, I finally arrived and was greeted by four very friendly and welcoming fellow volunteers who would be my house mates over the coming months. A sharing a few beers and stories to get acquainted, I immediately felt right at home.

The next morning, with a lot of excitement and curiosity, I headed to my first day of work at Blue Season Bali. Upon arrival, everything went very fast. I was overwhelmed with so many new faces, names and information from everywhere that after the first few hours it already felt like 2 days had passed. It felt like a very hectic day but looking back it was a great start. The introduction meeting was very relaxed, everyone was helpful and welcoming and was easy to settle in and acclimatize to the new environment.

Now, after having been here for a few days, things are calming down and my days are becoming a little more routine. The work is keeping me busy and it’s fun, so every day is a happy day. In my free time I can surf and this Sunday I even managed to go for a dive in Tulamben and discover the USAT Liberty for the first time. All in all – life could be worse!

If you enjoyed reading this article, you may also like to read about Jessica Wille’s adventure here

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