22 Jun

Artificial Coral Reef Nominee

Hello all,

Children are a huge source of creativity, and seeing as they are also ever so keen on learning about ocean conservation, we thought it would be brilliant to involve our local students in designing an artificial reef design project for Sanur. How we did this was by asking students from different schools around Bali and Jakarta to create and submit artificial reef designs. They were given a few simple guidelines from Niels our marine biologist, he also incorporated an inspirational marine conservation talk about how the kids could do their part for the ocean. We explain how to create a good design but we left the imagination and creativity up to the kids! After a few weeks designs were trickling in, there were some ingenious (and borderline wacky) ideas – expressed in a natural, childlike way, and personally I think there are some amazing designs !!

Here are some of the nominees,

The first one is a sweet design, titled Love Candy. Drawn on A4 paper, with lots of intricate design, complete with arrangements of where the seaweed would need to grow.

Love Candy
Love Candy by Jasmine, Manon & Haruka

The next two, we have 2 boat design for fishes.. It kind of reminds me of a riddle.. Why didn’t Noah get fishes into the ark? Because God didn’t want the ark to become car park (Carp-ark).. heheh… Anyway back to the designs.

Its either made by Charlotte, or the boat’s name is Charlotte.
Pirates of Caribbean - The Black Pearl
Pirates of Caribbean – The Black Pearl by London

Speaking about cars… Here’s another design that actually involves a car.. by putting one on a sea bed, for fishes to sleep in, or for them to drive in to go to work. Which would save them from swimming all over and waste their energy.

The Cars of Corals
The Cars of Corals by Amin & Jason

And now we arrive to the designs that received the most votes during the event.. it was a close competition for the winner.. PHEW !! The next one is the Whales of the sea. So lifelike you could mistake this for a real Whale 😉

Whales of the Sea
Whales of the Sea by Dylan, Ray & Dali

Next we have “Fish & Chips”… I mean… Fish & Ships.. by Sara & Aska … Clever naming girls.. I would even go so far as to say ‘tres cool …’

Fish and Ships
Fish and Ships – By : Sara & Aska

Last but not the least, the wonderful design named Coral Community. If the picture is not very clear, it’s basically a drawing of a clam, complete with a pearl, with the purpose of the pearl being a bed for fish. (which would make the whole clam as its bedroom). We love all the designs and are very happy to see that the kids got so involved in our project, we hope to see you getting involved by voting on the design which you like best!

Coral Community
Coral Community – by : Clara & Jade.. and another one whose name is not clear.

As I have mentioned, we have created a poll on Facebook, where you can help us decide which design should win ( by going to this facebook voting page ). Do keep in mind that we are judging the winner not just by number of votes, but by practicality, originality, funds raised by the students and by the name given and the description added!

As a side note, I am personally impressed with this particular design. FISH TOWER … Its not really published, since its drawn on the page behind the actual design.  The design itself also didn’t get enough votes to make it into our top-picks unfortunately, but I sure appreciate the idea of fishes marching to an ark like people marching for work boarding the subway.

The description added to this drawing: This will be a 30 floor building, but it will be just 3 floors in real life.

Which is quite tall.. complete with Burger King and Mc Donalds… Turning sea junk into junk food.. Genious.. don’t you say? We have here a future fish skyscraper architect.. Better mark this one design down.. watch out world !! we’re building the ocean floor for the fishes now !


If you are curious as to who is the winner of this competition, make sure you tune in with Blue Season Bali for future updates, or you can leave us a comment, or even send us a line to our contact us page.

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  • The Official Winner of Artificial Coral Reef Nominee
    Posted at 10:01 am, 14 Jul Reply

    […] to share ideas on how the kids could help protect the ocean. Alongside, they also launched the  Artificial Reef Design Contest. The idea behind the community reef building project was to encouraged kids to submit their ideas […]

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