This is officially my first blog for Blue Season Bali. Did you visit this event ? Despite the sky being overcast almost the whole day, and the fact that it rained in the morning, (not to mention the locals youngsters have a wild party at the mertasari beach just behind, screaming like crazy) it didn’t stop anyone from having fun. Here’s the proof …

The event itself started from 2pm, with the 30KM swim and a target of US$ 5000 for its goal. It is held in a tranquil family resort called SAFARE…

Yes.. you heard right.. SAFARE… is actually an abbreviation for SAnur FAmily REsort, which is rather amusing. When I first heard the name, I thought Jo is being cool by saying SAFAREEEHH!! instead of safari.

We hold a silent auction at this event, for diverse luxury items ( Which in fact many of BSB staff is trying to win it over rather than the public ). Here’s the bidding list, and its winner
- Barbados: won by Flo
- The Menjangan : won by Ed & Erina
- The Amala Spa : won by Jo & Iput
- Ripcurl Surfclass : won by Henley (the DJ)
- MCU won by Vic, Andrew, Jon, Amy, Annie, Henley
And many more..

Group Name | Distance | Laps | Member |
Mantis Shrimps | 80 KM | 320 | Tommy, Jo, Iput, Jonas .. Basically the marketing team. ( Psst.. don’t tell anyone I’m not in that list.. ) |
Spicy Molas | 5.25 KM | 210 | Nuria, Joe 2, Abbey, Alyssa, Alisson |
Pirates of Penida | 13 KM | 52 | Tom, Casper, Teng Yu, Jeffrey |
BSB 1 | 3.7 KM | 148 | Niels, Henley, Sam |
Sea Pugs | 6.75 KM | 270 | Ed, Janne, Andy, Erina-Sara, Tilo, Romi |
This is what is written on the score board, and in the bottom is written the summary ( I’m not very sure if this is very accurate ) : Total 25 KM, 1000 laps, to go 5 KM, 200 laps. Probably Tommy write this to give “Dumbo and the magic feather” effect.
As you may have known from sneak preview from our facebook post, we have a bamboo jail. Anyone got thrown there have to bail themselves out with a cost, and it earn us Rp. 860k donation. These donation came from adults who want to avoid being jailed, and the funny part is, kids volunteer themselves as the first user. Probably this is why adults want to avoid being jailed in the first place.

Apart from those we also have face painting for kids. Unfortunately the only evidence I have is a secret photos of a little girl with a green face wandering off to dining lounge. I could imagine her calling “Mommy … Mommy … I want pizza !!”

.: I would certainly say that BSB events such as these can be counted as a good family vacation, to tighten bonds between fathers that are too busy with their works with their daughters and sons, not to mention to save environment while having fun :.
or just to hang out with friends, cute dogs included..

Lets not forget the kids.. for sure they wont be satisfied just to monopoly an auction or play with dogs.. therefor we let them vote for the best artificial reef project design, which result will I post on the next blog.

We didn’t get to build trash sculpture though.. but it was fun anyways.
I know I may miss alot from the event, do write us your comment if you want to add some things I miss.
Thanks and see you on the next post.