Best Dive Job Blog – Last day of the IDC
Well, believe it or not the IDC is officially over! Today we spent the last day of the IDC doing what we do best, diving! Morning Open Water workshops in Sanur Bay, followed by a drift dive off the shores of Nusa Lembongan at “S.D” and then an Adventure Deep and Discover Scuba Diving workshop in Crystal Bay. It was so nice to finally get out of the classroom and get back under the waves. It was also a great reminder as to why I have decided to become a PADI instructor in the first place. I can hardly wait to see the expression on the faces of my first Open Water students as they take their first look under the Balinese sea.

As for me and James, we have made it through the IDC unscathed and are ready to take on the “mock Instructor Examination” after a well deserved day of rest tomorrow. Another great thing about the 28 day IDC here is the “mock IE”. Over 2 days we are put through a practice IE with conditions as similar to the real thing as possible. From the opening orientation to the closing comments, Stefan and Chris simulate exactly what it will be like on the official PADI Instructor Exam. What does that mean for us? No surprises of course!
From the first day of the IDC prep we have been reminded time and time again that the IE is not something to be worried about. Instead we’ve been told that “IE” stands for one thing and one thing only – “It’s Easy!”. Considering the amount of preparation and guidance we’ve been given over the last month, I would have to agree!
Bring it on!! Me and James are ready!!
If you are interesting in checking out SD and Crystal Bay for yourself (or any of our amazing local dive sites) click here