PADI IDC – Best Dive Job Blog
Today was not a day that I was looking forward to in the PADI IDC. Why? One simple word which strikes fear in the hearts of many an Instructor candidates:
(cue scary music)
One of the nice things about being on the PADI IDC is that we get to start our day at 8:00am rather than 6:15am like I did during my Divemaster course (not to mention those 5:45 early morning shifts). Today however, I did not take advantage of the late start time and was in the IDC classroom at 6:30am sweating over my physics workbook in dreaded anticipation of the practice IDC exam I would be attempting later in the afternoon.
After a morning in the pool attempting to forget my impending doom by practicing how to teach Open Water skills, it was time to face my fears and tackle the exam. Much to my surprise I didn’t do too badly! The cramming I did the night before paid off and I managed to actually pass the physics portion of the exam on the first go! That being said, in my frenzy of physics reviewing, I managed to neglect all other topics covered in the exam. The result? A pretty good physics score and a rather paltry showing in the other 4 categories. Note to self, the IE does not simply revolve around physics…time to study some of the other stuff too! After our exam our instructors Stefan and Chris took the time to explain each question and break down equations that initially seemed impossible into very simple and easily understood steps. By the end of the session I was whipping through problems like a pro. Believe it or not, I’m actually excited for my second exam tomorrow! Clearly there is some sorcery at hand here…